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Internet of Things Basics and Applications


North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University College of Science and Technology Department of Applied Engineering Technology "Internet of Things Basics and Applications"

Course Description

The College of Science and Technology's Department of Applied Engineering Technology at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University has partnered with MxD to share this course, Internet of Things Basics and Applications. This course provides a comprehensive introduction to Internet of Things (IoT), related technologies, and common issues in the adoption of IoT on a large scale. It introduces IoT history, common definitions, underlying technologies, and challenges; it discusses technological advances in IoT and implementation considerations; it proposes novel solutions for common implementation issues; it explores critical application domains, including smart grids, healthcare and e-Health applications, asset and building management, and particularly digital and smart manufacturing.

Student Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Discuss the principles of IoT and its technological and economic impacts
  • Explain the technology fundamentals and enabling techniques for IoT
  • Discuss the security challenges and techniques for IoT systems
  • Understand and explain the architectures used for different IoT systems
  • Analyze specific design and development requirements for different IoT applications
  • Apply IoT tools, techniques, and methods to specific application scenarios


Tsiatsis, V., Karnouskos, S., Holler, J., Boyle, D. and Mulligan, C., 2018. Internet of Things: technologies and applications for a new age of intelligence. Academic Press. ISBN-13: 978-0128144350

Hassan, Q.F. and Madani, S.A. eds., 2017. Internet of things: Challenges, advances, and applications. CRC Press. ISBN-13: 978-1498778510

